Thursday, February 27, 2014

Import shipment data- Import through road and air

Import shipment data tells us about a number of different types of import shipment coming in through road and air. This article will be focusing on the major products that are coming into the country through air and road and how much it costs the country. As is obvious a country which shares a border with India can be the only one that can send goods to the country by road. In the case of air imports the amount a
number of countries send goods to India but the quantity of goods, as is obvious, is very low (due to weight issues onboard the flight).

Import shipment data tells us that the amount of shipment that comes into the country comes in mainly through Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan and Pakistan (although the amount of trade with Pakistan is very low). The major goods that come into the nation from Bangladesh are mainly fish and jute related products and in some extraordinary scenario, when the price of paddy has risen in India, paddy and related goods. From Nepal mostly indigenously made goods come to India via road and from Bhutan a number of goods like local farm products come to India. 

Import shipment data tells us that small and readily transportable goods come to India via air and their quantity is very small. With a rise in air traffic however and with the aviation sector making large strides in increasing the load capacity of aircraft the amount of goods transported via air is all set to go up in the future.

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