Monday, July 28, 2014

Problems faced by Indian international traders

India has been a developing country since decades and hence an economy that has been constantly under threat of depression due to global economic meltdown. Indian exports have always faced tremendous competition from is neighboring countries that offer products at cheap prices. The abundant availability of raw materials and export oriented trade policies has always enabled foreign nations to undercut India in international trade.
From 2008 when global recession started taking its toll in international markets, one of the most effected economy was Indian economy which had exerted over-reliance in Indian economy. 

Indian custom data revealed that India had exports and imports of certain essential products exceeding its local demand. Software industry which did not have demand from Indian companies had many takers in US and European countries. A vast majority of younger Indian generation is employed in IT services and ITES companies. With the onset of global recession Indian IT companies lost business resulting in layoffs and termination of a huge number of Indians. This in turn affected local trade and had a great impact on the normalcy of economic operations. 

Indian government after the introduction of liberalization and globalization policies had always supported exports and imports whole heartedly in order to make India ac global economy with high quality goods and services. With the help of Indian custom data local traders are able to gain more access into to world markets which are gradually opening their doors to international trade.

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